Performed by Cade Moga & Ironstone
At the Los Angeles LGBT center
With support from LA Performance Practice
Written by Cade Moga
Choreography by Ironstone
Live score by Sebastian Hernandez
Video Projections & Costumes by Cade Moga
Photos by Angel Rojo


Durational performance presented at Irrational Exhibits #13 at Durden and Ray gallery at the Bendix Building. Curated by Deborah Oliver.

Durational performance presented at Irrational Exhibits #13 at Durden and Ray gallery at the Bendix Building. Curated by Deborah Oliver.

Performed by Earth to Jordi, Ironstone, and Cade Moga
at REDCAT for NOW FEST 2023
Written by Cade Moga
Directed by Cade Moga and Ironstone
Original music by Earth to Jordi
Choreography by Ironstone
Visual Projections by Cade Moga






A tribute to Aaron Bushnell. Performed in collaboration with Ironstone & Aeon at Stomping Ground for Pay it No Mind- A trans & queer showcase curated by Sade Keinu.

A tribute to Aaron Bushnell. Performed in collaboration with Ironstone & Aeon at Stomping Ground for Pay it No Mind- A trans & queer showcase curated by Sade Keinu.

5hr durational act/installation performed at EDEN curated by Emily Lucid at La Tierra de la Culebra Park - Los Angeles, CA







A 30-minute solo act. I transformed the gallery into a set. I entered in a doctor’s coat, carrying a suitcase. The suitcase opened up into a projector, the projector was placed on a pedestal, the pedestal was on wheels. I delivered an autobiographical monologue involving Julius Caesar, my father, and The One Child Policy. There was a dance sequence. Words and objects were placed onto the surface of the projector.
Performed at O’ Project Space


REDCAT, Los Angeles, CA
The Muses envisions the nine classical figures as goddesses in contemporary Los Angeles. A suite of dances is woven with spoken text combining the myth of Sappho on a beach in Lesbos with musings on a life lived on a beach in Malibu. The work was supported generously by GuestHaus Residency.
New Original Works Festival 2019 Curated by Edgar Miramontes
Written and Direction by Andrew Ondrejcak
Choreography by Katherine Helen Fisher
Music by Helado Negro
Costumes by Andrew Ondrejcak, Erica Sabatini with help from the Los Angeles Opera
Performed by:
Cade Danieli, Shauna Davis, Jessica Gadzinski, Sebastian Hernandez, Tess Hewlett, Samantha Movhr, Kim Thompson, Devika Wickremesinghe, Lara Wilson




Performed by Cade Moga & Ironstone
At the Los Angeles LGBT center
With support from LA Performance Practice
Written by Cade Moga
Choreography by Ironstone
Live score by Sebastian Hernandez
Video Projections & Costumes by Cade Moga
Photos by Angel Rojo
Durational performance presented at Irrational Exhibits #13 at Durden and Ray gallery at the Bendix Building. Curated by Deborah Oliver.
Durational performance presented at Irrational Exhibits #13 at Durden and Ray gallery at the Bendix Building. Curated by Deborah Oliver.
Performed by Earth to Jordi, Ironstone, and Cade Moga
at REDCAT for NOW FEST 2023
Written by Cade Moga
Directed by Cade Moga and Ironstone
Original music by Earth to Jordi
Choreography by Ironstone
Visual Projections by Cade Moga
A tribute to Aaron Bushnell. Performed in collaboration with Ironstone & Aeon at Stomping Ground for Pay it No Mind- A trans & queer showcase curated by Sade Keinu.
A tribute to Aaron Bushnell. Performed in collaboration with Ironstone & Aeon at Stomping Ground for Pay it No Mind- A trans & queer showcase curated by Sade Keinu.
5hr durational act/installation performed at EDEN curated by Emily Lucid at La Tierra de la Culebra Park - Los Angeles, CA
A 30-minute solo act. I transformed the gallery into a set. I entered in a doctor’s coat, carrying a suitcase. The suitcase opened up into a projector, the projector was placed on a pedestal, the pedestal was on wheels. I delivered an autobiographical monologue involving Julius Caesar, my father, and The One Child Policy. There was a dance sequence. Words and objects were placed onto the surface of the projector.
Performed at O’ Project Space
REDCAT, Los Angeles, CA
The Muses envisions the nine classical figures as goddesses in contemporary Los Angeles. A suite of dances is woven with spoken text combining the myth of Sappho on a beach in Lesbos with musings on a life lived on a beach in Malibu. The work was supported generously by GuestHaus Residency.
New Original Works Festival 2019 Curated by Edgar Miramontes
Written and Direction by Andrew Ondrejcak
Choreography by Katherine Helen Fisher
Music by Helado Negro
Costumes by Andrew Ondrejcak, Erica Sabatini with help from the Los Angeles Opera
Performed by:
Cade Danieli, Shauna Davis, Jessica Gadzinski, Sebastian Hernandez, Tess Hewlett, Samantha Movhr, Kim Thompson, Devika Wickremesinghe, Lara Wilson